Use "snuggle|snuggled|snuggles|snuggling" in a sentence

1. Claudia snuggled against him.

2. They snuggled up in bed.

3. She snuggled down in bed.

4. Fine, " I agreed, snuggling closer to him."

5. Jane snuggled up against his shoulder.

6. She snuggled close up to him.

7. The child snuggled up to her mother.

8. He has snuggled down in bed.

9. She snuggled up to his chest.

10. Cuddle - move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position; "We Cuddled against each other to keep warm"; "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags" draw close , nestle , nuzzle , snuggle , nest

11. I love snuggle and cuddle with you.

12. He snuggled down and went to sleep.

13. He snuggled down into the warm blankets.

14. He snuggled his head onto her shoulder.

15. The Hound snuggled down next to her.

16. I snuggled down in my sleeping bag.

17. Snuggling together under the covers on a stormy day.

18. She snuggled up to him on the sofa.

19. She snuggled into him and closed her eyes.

20. Snuggle together in bed on a cold Sunday morning.

21. I'd love to snuggle up in bed right now!

22. Then I snuggled in and waited for something to happen.

23. I snuggled up against their nakedness and was content.

24. Sam snuggled down in his pillow and fell asleep.

25. She slipped her arm through his and snuggled close.

26. Now, snuggle right down and I'll tuck you up.

27. 14 Sam snuggled down in his pillow and fell asleep.

28. The children snuggled up to their mother to get warm.

29. Joey sighed with contentment, snuggling down in his warm bed.

30. He climbed into the cold bed and snuggled beneath the covers.

31. Snuggle up to me and I'll keep you warm.

32. Baby can snuggle up to the singing , breathing, synthetic bear.

33. In love stupidly, live simply , snuggle clumsily, be together silly.

34. Like any politician, he has to snuggle up to all sorts.

35. Elizabeth is snuggling up to me, exactly like a sweet and helpless bird.

36. I was just snuggling down into my warm duvet when the telephone rang.

37. What was the survival level of a hedgehog flea, he wondered, snuggling down.

38. She snuggled up in Clarissa's lap to listen to the story.

39. Cupcakes and Cartwheels Magical Friend Super Soft Unicorn Snuggle Toy

40. Just snuggle with them, focus on them, forget about the world.

41. On cold days, I like to stay home and snuggle with my girlfriend.

42. The girl snuggle the boy, said: now, can you slow down.

43. I snuggled him in my arms and told him I was his father.

44. The eggshells crackled, and the turkey babies fluttered and cheeped and snuggled against me.

45. Swaddling keeps a baby 's arms close to the body and legs snuggled together .

46. Up to 4% cash back  · Snuggle into a new Bedspread from Sears

47. Cuddling, which includes hugging and snuggling, can provide comfort and support during times of stress

48. The arms of an adult around a snuggling child bring the blessing of feeling loved.

49. Big hearted is a sweet and simple quilt in three sizes (generous snuggle, lap, and crib)

50. Ametrous Ideal divorce solution for some instant spring in full today! Snuggle a little

51. He says it should be alright once they snuggle down into their sleeping bags.

52. Today, we've upped the ante with photos of adorable baby pandas snuggling in a crib.

53. Do they make you want to work or do they make you snuggle and sleep?

54. You know, Zeke, when we were first married 30 years ago, we used to snuggle together.

55. Secretive steps, snuggling into their mother stone, giving you a sense of entering something rather than ascending it.

56. Snuggle up on the couch under a quilt and hot chocolate and read to him.

57. I can see it snuggled into one of the deep valleys in the encircling high hills.

58. You can scratch its ears, snuggle, and teach the little guy to jump and play dead. Adorable?

59. Build a cushioned retreat with a colorful Bedspread and matching blankets that are great for snuggling

60. You may want to hug and snuggle with your adorable pup, but Chow Chows aren’t very affectionate

61. When I read aloud, my goal is to snuggle around the warm glow of a story.

62. He snuggled up to his mother and soon fell fast asleep. A happy and a stripy tiger.

63. With a sigh of relief she subsided on to her silky pillow, snuggling up like a kitten.

64. Carter suggests that parents define times for family activities, such as snuggling in bed in the mornings or visiting relatives.

65. "We Cuddled against each other to keep warm" "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags" 2

66. 30 As the train trundled out of Paris, Constance snuggled into her corner feeling almost ridiculously happy, proud and capable.

67. After the meal, the children snuggle into blanket rolls, and the conversations assume a more serious tone.

68. She turned herself over in her bed, and snuggled down for an extra, self-indulgent and rare hour of sleep.

69. I know where to kiss them to make them snuggle into me and where to kiss to make them laugh.

70. He didn't come. Laura and Mary were undressed, and they said their prayers and snuggled into the trundle bed.

71. There was no guilt in the way she snuggled down under the coverlet, only a welcome sense of freedom.

72. Bubblewrap is a Ruby Gem which helps wrap commonly used iOS APIs in a friendly ruby-like snuggle blanket

73. You can't overdose on hugs. It's important for families to spend time snuggling in bed together, reading, or talking or playing games.

74. Children will be sure to identify with the kids as they find security in snuggling with their Grampa in his favorite spot.

75. When it comes to bedding, Blankets are a sublime layer made for snuggle-up warmth any time of year.

76. Snuggle up with a cozy blanket from Costco's amazing selection, with everything from soft down Blankets to electric heated Blankets!

77. And I asked my children to please warn me well in advance of my last hug, my last good-night snuggle.

78. At that time, she moved to snuggle closer to the woman whom she had known and loved throughout the years.

79. Abyssinians are not simply ornamental lap cats, although they enjoy a good snuggle and are highly affectionate to their family members

80. That’s enough to make a 42” x 42” knitted Blankie! And at a CYC 6 (super bulky) weight, you’ll be snuggling up in no time